About Us
The National Bank Note Census (NBNC) promises to be the most comprehensive resource ever created for collectors, dealers, and researchers of national bank notes. This all-encompassing census combines the data of both Don Kelly and Martin Gengerke into a single fully searchable database. In addition, the Van Belkum data (revised, corrected, and updated by Peter Huntoon) is available in a searchable bank title and note issuance database. With over 350,000 bank note records, this fully searchable database incorporates the work of four pioneers in national bank note research.New and improved search filters allow for single or multiple variable searching across data fields (i.e., search for $5 and $10 series of 1882 Brown Back and Date Back notes from Washington and Oregon). Search filters for the bank issuance data are similarly configured (i.e., search for all banks that issued $20 1882 Brown Back notes in California, Montana, and Idaho).
NBNC updates in development include: an image database linking bank note records to specific images (depending on image availability), a "home page" for each charter number with at least one illustration of an existing note or a BEP proof. Most importantly for both collectors and dealers, we are working on our auction record database to provide auction prices realized in a highly searchable format.
Notes in Census: 468,520
Notes added since 1/1/2012: 103,756
Notes with Images: 227,701
Number of Auction Records: 214,169
NBNCensus Guide/Manual with Screenshots
Pioneers | Acknowledgements | Administration |