

*If you have any questions after reviewing the Features & Membership Pages, please contact us at Andrew@NBNCensus.com
**Additional updates and information about the National Bank Note Census can be found in the NBNC Forum, under Announcements.
Public Area
The navigation bar near the top of the page will guide you through the public areas of the National Bank Note Census (NBNC). There is a very brief description of the data in the census, followed by a look at the pioneers of National Bank Note census keeping and research. We also acknowledge those who have contributed knowledge and insight throughout the history of the census.
The MEMBERSHIP page accepts PayPal and credit cards through a secure server (Authorize.net) to purchase a one-year membership to the census. All memberships are contributions to the National Currency Foundation.
The STOLEN page will be a place to list National Bank Notes that have been stolen or lost. This page ties into the bank note searches conducted from the members’ area of the site and any note reported stolen will be highlighted in red.
The REPORT page is for reporting new National Bank Notes that are not already in the census.
Members Area
Once you have received your member login information, click on the login button in the upper right corner of the screen. Two additional pages have become available in the navigation bar.
The CENSUS page
The search filters available for searching the census includes:
1) Charter
2) City (single or multiple)
3) State (single, multiple, or all)
4) County (single or multiple)
5) Denomination (single, multiple, or all)
6) Type (single, multiple, or all)
7) Large Only/Small Only/Both
8) Bank Serial Number
9) Serial Number 1 (checkbox)
10) Territory (checkbox)
11) Gold Notes (checkbox)
12) Sheets (checkbox)
13) Notes with images (checkbox)
14) Large/Small Count (enter range)
You can use one search filter or as many as you want for a single search.
Auction Results (Beta Version) New Update 3/3/12
When you perform a census search, you will notice at the far right of your screen (after the county column) the word “auction” will sometimes appear. Click to see a popup screen with auction results for that particular note. Over 100,000 auction records have been added to the census as part of the beta test of this feature and are now at your disposal.
These results are neither comprehensive nor complete- yet. Wh
The CHARTER page
To search the charter title and issuance database, the following filters are available:
1) Charter
2) City (single or multiple)
3) State (single, multiple, or all)
4) County (single or multiple)
5) Denomination (single, multiple, or all)
6) Type (single, multiple, or all)
7) Large Only/Small Only/Both
8) Large/Small Count (enter range)
9) Unreported (checkbox)
A Word about Images
The NBNC includes an image feature. Currently, images may be submitted with newly reported notes or added by NBNC to existing notes. We are working on an update that will allow users to submit images for notes already in the census. Please DO NOT use the report feature to submit images for notes already in the census. If you wish to submit notes email them to Andrew@NBNCensus.com. If you wish to contribute a collection of images, please send an email and we will link you to a dropbox folder.
If you are submitting images/reporting notes from a currency auction house archives, please make that known in the comment section.
We prefer to use images scanned at a resolution of roughly 300dpi with a file size between 400-600k.
Given the potential size of the image archive on NBNCensus.com we are selective about the reverse images we elect to post. Our criteria for showing both sides of a raw note include the following: 1) to reveal a deficit or defect in the note effecting the grade that is only visible from the reverse, 2) to show folds not visible on the face of the note, and 3) to show off extraordinary notes to our members.
Notes Reported from eBay
New additions to the census reported from eBay listings will always have an image attached. The caption in the lower left corner of the image will state that it is from eBay. Raw notes reported from eBay are graded based on the image we are sent or are able to obtain.
For NBN reported from eBay we will use (within reason) whatever image is available. Often the grade assigned to these notes is based on the image of a raw note and therefore is our best educated guess. We attach the image so you can reach your own conclusions. We will not generally grade a raw note based on image alone any higher than About Uncirculated. We will, however, periodically leave the grade blank.
Future Updates
We are working on building a blog page in the members’ area of the website to keep you informed about what we are currently working on and what we have planned as future updates. This blog will also be the initial release point for the Discover National of the Month and the National of the Week posts that will be housed on the nationalcurrencyfoundation.org website.
We are creating an email notification system. By indicating on a form (in design) which state(s) and/or types of notes you are interested in, you will be able to receive weekly or monthly alerts when notes of interest are added.
As stated on the ABOUT page, our main priority for 2012 is to create a fully searchable auction prices realized archive for at least the past 5 years.
The Encyclopedia of National Bank Notes
The Encyclopedia of National Bank Notes will be published in the members’ area serially. We expect to begin posting one chapter per month beginning in late Spring.
The Encyclopedia is a compilation of Peter Huntoon and his co-authors’ expertise about National Bank Notes. This comprehensive Encyclopedia approximately triples the information in Huntoon’s three previous books on the topic, and is replete with fresh, unpublished material and data. It encompasses the entire 73 year national bank note era from 1863 to 1935, and therefore includes both large and small size notes.
Peter has been researching and writing about national bank notes since 1966. His forte continues to be the original research on nationals from Treasury records housed at the U. S. National Archives and from the massive holding of Bureau of Engraving and Printing proofs in the National Numismatic Collection at the Smithsonian Institution. He has therefore maintained the most current information on every aspect of the field. He has never hesitated to enter into joint research projects and to coauthor articles with the most renowned currency researchers.
The Encyclopedia builds on past articles and books with thoroughly updated and expanded information, insights, and illustrations.

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© 2012 [www.nbncensus.com] National Bank Note Census [http://www.nbncensus.com/] . All Rights Reserved.